PSE asked the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) to increase rates on electricity by 6.9% this year after already getting a rate increase in 2018. Fortunately the UTC rejected their proposal. Instead they proposed allowing an increase of only 2.5%. Which is an increase of about $50 million dollars in revenue. PSE routinely asks for inflated rate increases only to settle for increases that makes the UTC look like it’s doing it’s job. It’s a regulatory mirage for public relations reasons so that the people don’t stand up together and bring PSE to it’s corporate death.
If the UTC were really capable of effectively regulating PSE then it would put a clamp down on the bribery by PSE of elected officials. Why does the UTC allows PSE to give away our electricity payments to over 600 politicians in campaign contributions? This is a question worth asking.
PSE customers will be able to comment to state regulators on the proposed rate increases at public meetings scheduled for Jan. 7, starting at 6 p.m. at the UTC headquarters in Lacey and Jan. 22, starting at 6 p.m. at the Bellevue City Hall Council Chamber.
Customers who want to comment on the proposed plans can submit comments online at utc.wa.gov/comments; write to P.O. Box 47250, Olympia, WA, 98504; email comments@utc.wa.gov; or call toll-free 1-888-333-9882.
PSE is a foreign controlled corporate leach that hates democracy, the people of Washington state and doesn’t care about the environment. PSE only wants to take your money from your pocket and put it in their own. Be sure to let them know you’ve had enough and you’re not going to take it anymore!
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