PSE Watch

$656,158.84 + millions more

$656,158.84 was how much money PSE’s astroturf Orwellian “Alliance to Protect Thurston Power” spent in 2012 at sabotaging democracy in Thurston County. That figure comes from six power companies including PSE and one business lobby […]


Feasibility Study

DHittle Report – Public Power Feasibility Study On August 31, 2012, the Thurston PUD received the preliminary business assessment from DHittle Associates. The assessment concluded that all three options for partial electrification (Yelm; Capitol Campus to Port; […]

Power to the Public
PSE Watch

Taking back power!

An Australian Financial Conglomerate bought Puget Sound Energy in 2009 selling it to Alberta Investment Management Corporation, British Columbia Investment Management Corporation, OMERS, and PGGM in 2018. Every year we suffer longer blackouts while our energy bills […]