April 1st, Wednesday, 7:30PM. $24/ $12 low income
“David Rovics is the musical version of Democracy Now!”
-Amy Goodman, host, Democracy Now!
David Rovics is a songwriter, musician, blogger and podcaster based in Portland, Oregon. Since the 1990’s, David has been touring regularly throughout North America, Europe, and occasionally elsewhere, playing on stages large and small, at protests and festivals as well as in squatted social centers and folk clubs. He has recorded dozens of albums and had millions of his songs viewed, streamed and downloaded. He hosts two regular podcasts — Song For Today and This Week with David Rovics — and writes regularly for Dissident Voice, Counterpunch, and Fifth Estate.
He is coming to Olympia to lend his voice and guitar in support of Power to the Public!
Please come and be inspired, not just by David Rovics, by Power to the Public. Our experts and enthusiastic volunteers will pump up the crowd as we lay out the reasons why now is the time and that together when we fight we WIN! There will be merchandise for the campaign and for David Rovics.
Also bring your checkbook and make a larger donation if you can or sign up as a monthly donor. In 2012 the campaign was defeated solely because our message was drowned out with the messages of fear and doubt that the political mercenaries delivered on behalf of PSE’s money. They spent millions of dollars on our county wide election, more than has ever been spent locally! It was an abrogation of democracy and it was the only way PSE could win. In a fair fight these cowards and liars wouldn’t stand a chance!
If we could raise $70-100,000, our message could be heard. It takes them repeating their lies thousands of times to stand a chance against the truth heard once!

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